— Issue #131

Jói Sigurðsson
5 min readOct 5, 2018


Oh Friday! How do I love thee? Let me count the ways:

  1. Writing this newsletter
  2. Pizza
  3. Hmm… more pizza?

Tool of the week

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Vivaldi 2.0 | The browser for power

I’ve posted Vivaldi before, but they just released a major update, version 2, and it’s more powerful than ever. That, and the recent gaffes around Google Chrome may make you want to consider an alternative. It’s built on the same rendering engine as Chrome, so it’s just as compatible and performant, but with tons of power user features and tweaks. Plus, I know a bunch of the folks building it, and it’s a great team.

Tools discovered recently

Screaming frog seo spider 8

Screaming Frog | SEO spider tool and

This is a downloadable tool you run from your computer, that allows you to crawl websites’ URLs like a search engine, identify common errors and issues, and perform a website SEO audit. Free version for up to 500 page sites.

Reactivepad | A new take on documents

It’s like cloud-based Excel within a word processor. Pretty neat, and free for now at least.

Meta image

Screely | Generate beautiful

Instantly turn your screenshot into a beautiful design mockup. Free for now (while in beta).

Tettra homepage header master

Tettra | Knowledge base

Tettra is a simple, integrated company wiki that also allows public-facing knowledge bases. Free for any number of public pages, and up to 20 internal ones.

Portents content idea generator

Portent Content Idea

Another slightly silly content idea generator, this one comes up with some creative and interesting titles for your content.

Calconic | Calculator widgets for your website

Want to add an ROI calculator to your site? That kind of thing is what this tool is for. Free version for up to 5 active calculators.

Podcast of the week

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a16z Podcast: When Organic Growth Goes

Companies are adopting software in a completely different way in recent years, sometimes called “land and expand”. Dropbox was one of the first examples of this, and Slack is another. I’m particularly interested in this myself, as it’s the model we follow for CrankWheel, and this podcast was really insightful.

Articles for this week

Definiteive guide to paid promoted content on facebook

The Definitive Guide To Paid Promoted Content: Facebook

An interesting and extensive guide to promoting your content using ads on Facebook. Not a strategy I would put a ton of money behind until you’ve proven it for your own business, but can be worth testing if you have some good content and decent conversions into your funnel from that content.

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209 Actionable Growth Strategies for Your Business (…and Counting!)

If you’re in a rut or evaluating the next phases of your growth plans, this huge guide with 209 different strategies for traffic, conversion and retention might help.

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Why S-Curves Are Probably the Most Important Concept in

Some thoughts on how nothing seems to be going right, until suddenly things start moving fast, until suddenly they almost grind to a halt again. S-curves are something to both be encouraged by and to be aware of, depending on which stage you’re at.

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How Triplebyte solved its office Wi-Fi

I’ll admit, not a typical piece of content for this newsletter, but since I had to set up Wi-Fi for a decent-sized office about a year ago, and this guide would have been incredibly useful at the time, I figured I’d share it in case it’s useful for you.


Too Many Startups Like Playing
7 signs that you’re focused on stuff that doesn’t matter, and how to snap out of it.

That’s it for this issue

It’s October already, only a bit over two months until the holiday rush starts for many of us. What are you planning until then? Hopefully some of the resources above can help with those plans.



P.S. Are you a non-technical founder? Need some technical help but not sure how to know if a developer is good? Toptal pre-screens and hires only the top 3% of talent, and helps you match with a suitable developer on their team, with a money-back guarantee. I’ve used them and strongly recommend. If you end up checking out Toptal, please do me a favor and use our affiliate link to help support this newsletter, or if you’d like a personal introduction to my account manager, let me know!

